Conditional Statements


1. Rewrite the following statements in if-then form.

  1. I will not be late, if I catch the 9:00 ferry.
  2. I must wash this dress or I won't have anything to wear tonight.
  3. Freeze or I'll shoot.

2. Construct truth tables for the statement forms.

  1. p~q ~p
  2. (p r) (q r)

3. Write the negations, contrapositive, converse and inverse of the following statements.

  1. If John can run to another town, then he can run more than five miles.
  2. If today is Christmas, tomorrow is Thursday.

4. Convert the following only-if statements to if-then statements.

  1. He will graduate only if he finishes the major project.
  2. She will go shopping with her friends only if she finishes her homework.