Advancing X-cutting Ideas for Computational Climate Science

New dates for AXICCS: Sept 12-13, 2016.
Rockville Hilton

Ideas papers charter, guidelines and template downloads

Information on how to use the templates to make an "ideas paper" for the AXICCS workshop, January 26-27, 2016.

Ideas papers must be submitted no later than 5:00pm Eastern Time on December 1, 2015, and official invitations to present will be sent to selected lead authors by December 11, 2015. Papers must be 2 pages or less, excluding 1 figure and citations and using the layout, font style and size and structure of the templates.

We are trying not to be too prescriptive in the content of the ideas papers. The goal is to generate vigorous discussion about the future requirements for Earth system models to answer as yet addressed science questions as well as mathematics and and computer science research directions that could allow climate science modelers to improve their simulation and analysis.


First, download the tarball at this button above, and untar it.
If using a linux based machine, type "tar -xvf axiccs_ideas.tar" on the command line.

Next either open and alter the axiccs_msword_template.docx file using Miscrosoft word and create
a pdf to upload on the easy chair site, or alter the axiccs_latex_template.tex file as follows:

  1. Use your favorite editor to open and alter the axiccs_latex_template.tex file to suite your needs.
  2. Type "make" or "make pdf" to create a .pdf version of the file. If you change the name of the template, then you should change the name of the file in the Makefile in the top line.
  3. To remake or clean out your directory of the transition latex files, including the pdf, type "make clean"
  4. Before submitting, change the name of your pdf paper to be unique, preferably LastName_AXICCS.pdf or similar with identifying information.

Once you have altered the text and made your ideas paper to your liking, you are ready to submit!

Go to the easy chair website to upload your final version at "" or you can find this Web site when you log in to EasyChair for AXICCS 2016 and follow the menu items AXICCS 2016 -> AXICCS 2016 information.

If you don't already have an account on easy chair, then you will first need to sign up so you can login. Once logged in, click on the new submission button in the top left corner. Please let us know if you have any trouble accessing the submission page.

Make sure to follow the instructions provided on the website and meeting announcement.

Contact Kate Evans, with any suggestions or issues.

Please refer to the following links about DOE's ASCR and BER program to help understand the mission and recent research results of these programs.

DOE ASCR's program:
DOE BER CESD program: