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UQ Benchmark: a simplified SPE 10th model 2 with random permeability

Problem description:
We consider a two-dimensional two-phase immiscible flow in a heterogeneous porous subsurface region with random permeability field. The random field is constructed based on the assumption that we only have a few measurements of the true deterministic permeability field. For this problem, we use one layer of the permeability data of the model 2 in The 10th SPE Comparative Solution Project ( The 10th SPE Comparative Solution Project was originally proposed as a benchmark for upscaling methods, but the second data set of this benchmark has later become very popular within the academic community as a benchmark for comparing different computational methods. To setup a blackbox simulator, we utilize the open source package MATLAB Reservoir Simulation Toolbox (MRST) (, in which the SPE 10th model is included as a benchmark example. We modified the subroutines for the SPE model in MRST by adding a random field generation module. Please read the PDF file here for more information.

Matlab code click here to download