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Office of Nuclear Energy | Office of Science: ASCR | BES (Div. of Materials Sciences and Engineering) | FES
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Dates March 31-April 2, 2004

Note: The workshop report (pdf) is now available, and has been added to Agenda along with pdf's of talks. Group photo has been added on Panelist page, and list of attendees is added below on this page.

Location Washington D.C.
Loews L'Enfant Plaza


This international workshop will examine the expected future contributions of high-end computing and computational materials science methods to structural materials performance issues relevant to future fusion and Generation-IV fission reactors. The workshop will address how the interacting contributions of modeling and experimental studies can best be applied to predict material behavior under exposure conditions (irradiation, temperature, and mechanical loading) that represent a significant extrapolation beyond our existing knowledge base. workshop program overview
Workshop sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science and Office of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology


The workshop format will accomodate two groups of participants. The organizers and invited panelists will be responsible for the presentations, much of the discussion, and writing sections of the workshop report. In addition, the workshop will be open to interested observers, with the number limited by available meeting space. Pre-registration is required for those wishing to attend as observers. Registration information can be found via a link at the bottom of this page. A limited amount of time will be available for the observers to comment or pose questions in open discussion periods at the end of each session. Participants list (word)

Dr. David Bacon, University of Liverpool, UK
Dr. Nasr Ghoniem, UCLA, USA
Dr. David Keyes, Columbia University, USA
Dr. Patrick Ledermann, Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA), France
Dr. Tetsuya Sato, Earth Simulator Center, Japan
Lodging The Lodging block name is Computational Materials Science Workshop. Cutoff date for the block is 2/29/04. Rate is $150 plus tax. Loews registration phone number is (800) 635-5065 or (202) 484-1000. Loews L'Enfant Plaza
Organizers photo of Corwin photo of Nichols photo of Stoller photo of Zinkle
William Corwin, ORNL, corwinwr@ornl.gov, (865) 574-4648
Jeff Nichols, ORNL, nicholsja@ornl.gov, (865) 574-6224
Roger Stoller, ORNL, stollerre@ornl.gov, (865) 576-7886
Steven Zinkle, ORNL, zinklesj@ornl.gov, (865) 576-7220

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Content prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Computer Science and Mathematics Division
URL http://www.csm.ornl.gov/meetings/SCNEworkshop/DC-index.html
Updated: Thursday, 08-Jul-2004 14:17:28 EDT