Universal and Existential Quantifiers


  1. "For all x in P, x is even."

    True. Every element in set P is even.

  2. "All elements in set Q are prime."

    False. 9 and 1 are not prime.

  3. "There exist some x in P such that x times 2 is less than 10."

    True. The elements 2 and 4 make this statement true, since 2 * 2 = 4, 2 * 4 = 8, and both 4 and 8 are less than 10.

  4. "There is at least one element y in Q, where y equals its square."

    True. 1 = 12.

  5. "For all x in P, there exists some y in Q such that x + 1 < y."

    False. This works for all elements in P except 10 (since 10 + 1 = 11, but is not less than 11).