2nd International Workshop on Performance Portable Programming Models for Accelerators (P^3MA)
Kilobyte, Frankfurt Marriott Hotel
Frankfurt, Germany
June 22, 2017
High-level programming models aim to provide scientific applications a path onto HPC platforms with minimal loss of portability or programmer productivity. Emerging approaches include Domain Specific Languages (DSLs), C++ metaprogramming, directives, and runtime APIs. Using these, developers can incrementally port their codes to heterogeneous systems, sometimes with minimal code changes. Although these approaches attempt to introduce abstraction without performance penalty, programming challenges remain, with their designs, implementations, and ease-of-use on rapidly evolving hardware and diverse memory subsystems.
Programming approaches to address these concerns are continuously being developed within standards committees for C++, OpenCL, OpenMP, OpenACC, and various DSLs. This workshop is designed to assess improved features of programming models (including but not limited to directives-based and C++ library-based programming models), their implementations, and experiences with their deployment in HPC applications.
The workshop provides a forum bringing together researchers and developers to examine heterogeneous computing and how it has been evolving across an increasingly diverse set of accelerated architectures. Including an invited opening keynote address and a closing Q&A panel with all presenters, this workshop will provide perspectives from current research and a chance for attendees to actively participate in this quickly changing and growing area of HPC research.
This workshop will be held on June 22, 2017, colocated with the ISC High Performance Conference in Frankfurt, Germany (http://www.isc-hpc.com).
Keynote Speaker:
David Keyes
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Science and
Director, Extreme Computing Research Center, KAUST
Important Deadlines:
Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2017
Paper Acceptance Notification:
May 14, 2017
Camera Ready Paper: June 03, 2017
Workshop: June 23rd, 2017