Network Installs

Network installs are the easiest way to obtain C3. The following describes the relevant details for installation on Debian and RPM based systems. (See also: INSTALL file in release tarball)

Installation for Debian-base Systems

You can install the packages using 'apt-get' from online repositories by adding the following to your '/etc/apt/sources.list' file for the appropriate version/release,

 deb<distro_id> <release_name> /

where '<distro_id>' refers to the Debian distribution your local Debian based distribution is compatible with. The support distro, and the respective <distro_id>, are: For example, on a x86_64 Debian 6.0 ("squeeze") distribution the line would look like the following:

 deb  squeeze  /

Then run the following command,
   # Server side (head-node)
 apt-get update
 apt-get install c3

   # Client side (compute-node)
 apt-get install c3-ckillnode c3-c3cmd-filter

Installation for RedHat-based systems (using YUM)

You can install the packages using 'yum' from online repositories by creating a file named 'CSM-ORNL.repo' in the '/etc/yum.repos.d/' directory. The content of the file are shown below.
Note: C3 is now installed into default paths, so the c3-profiled scripts should not be required. They may be included with the release but they are not required and therefore not listed below.
After adding the 'CSM-ORNL.repo' file, then run the following YUM commands on the head-/compute-nodes:
   # Server side (head-node)
 yum update
 yum install c3 

   # Client side (compute-node)
 yum install c3-ckillnode c3-c3cmd-filter
You can also install the packages directly using 'rpm',
   # Where VER is the C3 version and architecture
   # Server side (head-node)
 rpm -ivh c3-VER.rpm 

   # Client side (compute-node)
 rpm -ivh c3-ckillnode-VER.rpm c3-c3cmd-filter-VER.rpm
To configure YUM for online installation, create a 'CSM-ORNL.repo' file in the '/etc/yum.repos.d' directory. To use the stable repository, the content of the file should look like the following, where <ARCH> is either x86 or x86_64:

    # CentOS-CSMORNL.repo
    # If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try
    # the
    # remarked out baseurl= line instead.
    name=CentOS-$releasever - CSM_ORNL
To use the unstable repository, the content of the file should look like the following, where <ARCH> is either x86 or x86_64:

    # CentOS-CSMORNL.repo
    # If the mirrorlist= does not work for you, as a fall back you can try
    # the
    # remarked out baseurl= line instead.
    name=CentOS-$releasever - CSM_ORNL
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