held in conjunction with EuroSys 2007,
March 20, Lisbon, Portugal
Workshop General Chair: Stephen L. Scott, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Workshop Program Chair: Geoffroy Vallée, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Web page: http://www.csm.ornl.gov/srt/hpcvirt07/
Title | Authors | |
10:00am - 10:30am | Introduction | Stephen L. Scott |
10:30am - 11:00am | Proactive Resource Control in a Job Workspace Manager | Laura Grit, David Irwin, Varun Marupadi, Piyush Shivam, Aydan Yumerefendi, Jeff Chase and Jeannie Albrecht |
11:00am - 11:30am | A Multiple Dimension Slotting Approach for Virtualized Resource Management | Fernando Rodriguez, Felix Freitag and Leandro Navarro |
11:30am - 12:00pm | Can a file system virtualize processors? | Lex Stein, David Holland, Margo Seltzer and Zheng Zhang |
12:00pm - 01:30pm | Lunch break | |
01:30pm - 02:00pm | Dynamic Adaptation using Xen | Thomas Naughton, Geoffroy Vallee and Stephen Scott |
02:00pm - 02:30pm | High-Performance Hypervisor Architectures: Virtualization in HPC Systems | Ada Gavrilovska, Sanjay Kumar, Himanshu Raj and Karsten Schwan |
02:30pm - 03:00pm | Configurable Virtualized System Environments for High Performance Computing | Christian Engelmann, Stephen L. Scott, Hong Ong, Geoffroy Vallee and Thomas Naughton |
03:00pm - 03:30pm | Break | |
03:30pm - 05:00pm | Panel - System-level virtualization for high performance computing |
Please contact hpcvirt07@ornl.gov with questions.