Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


AboutDialog(Frame). Constructor for class wb.AboutDialog
Creates a new instance of AboutDialog box which is "MODAL".
accept(File, String). Method in class wb.WBFileFilter
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.AboutDialog
Handler for action events.
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.CallDialog
handler for action events
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.ConfirmClear
handler for action events.
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.ConfirmExit
handler for action events
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.ConfirmHangUp
handler for action events
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.WBButton
Called if an action occurs in the Component.
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for action events.
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.WBFrame
Method action takes care generic MenuItem handler.
action(Event, Object). Method in class wb.WBStatePanel
Add(GraphUnit). Method in class wb.WriteClient
Add provides an interface to accept the data to transmitted.
Add(GraphUnit, String). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Add adds a graphunit to the canvas.
addnext(char). Method in class wb.GraphText
addnext(char). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Add the next char.
addnext(char). Method in class wb.Message
Helper method to add more message data to the existing buffer
addnext(int). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Add the next integer.
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GFreeHand
Method to add the next point of the polyline
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphLine
Provides a method to fix the end point of the Line.
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphOval
Add next assumes that the input is referred to as the final point of user's description of the enclosing rectangle's diagonal.
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphPolyLine
Method to add the next point of the polyline
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphRect
Add next assumes that the input is referred to as the final point of user description of the diagonal.
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphRRect
Add next assumes that the input is referred to as the final point of user's description of the diagonal.
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphText
AddNext Not used here
addnext(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Add the next coordinate.
addnext(String). Method in class wb.GraphText
addnext(String). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Append the String
addnext(String). Method in class wb.Message
Helper method to add more message data to the existing buffer
AddUser(UserInfo). Method in class wb.Participants
Provides an interface to add a user to the participants list Verifies if the user is already in the list


basedepacketize(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.GFreeHand
Helper method to unpack the data from byte array and place fill the member variables.
basedepacketize(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.GraphMarker
Helper method to unpack the data from byte array and fill the member variables.
basedepacketize(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.GraphPolyLine
Helper method to unpack the data from byte array and place fill the member variables.
basedepacketize(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.GraphText
Helper method that forces the data from the stream to be read into the byte array and extracts the data from the byte array to the variables.
basedepacketize(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Helper routine for Stream based constructor.
basedepacketize(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.Message
Helper routine for Stream based constructor.
basepacketize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GraphMarker
Helper method to pack the base member variables of interest data to a byte array pack
basepacketize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GraphText
Helper method that packs all the data of the base class variables.
basepacketize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Helper routine for Object transport.
basepacketize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.Message
Helper method for packing all the base class member variables required for this representation into a byte array.
BIG. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Fontsize of Text
bpos. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
BytePackOutputStream using which the instance details are sent over the network.
buf. Variable in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
The buffer where data is stored.
buf. Variable in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
The buffer where data is stored.
buis. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
ByteUnPackInputStream using which the instance details are received over the network.
BytePackOutputStream(OutputStream). Constructor for class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Creates a new BytePackOutputStream.
ByteUnPackInputStream(InputStream). Constructor for class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Creates a new ByteUnPackInputStream.


CallDialog(Frame, Participants). Constructor for class wb.CallDialog
Creates a new Modal CallDialog attached to the frame
CancelDelete(). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
CheckUser(String). Method in class wb.Participants
Facility to verify if the user is valid.
Clear(). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Clear As the name implies clears the screen and the storage losing all the previously created object info.
Close(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
Close all the streams and sockets associated with this participant
CloseAll(). Method in class wb.Participants
Facility to known the current mute state of this user.
CloseParticipant(String). Method in class wb.Participants
Alternate way to close a specified participants
CloseParticipant(String, String). Method in class wb.Participants
Helper method to close explicitly a specified User.
CMJOIN. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Start of session of a participant who joined when the conference is in progress as initiated by the local conference mangaer
color. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
Color of the GraphUnit
ColorSelect(). Constructor for class wb.ColorSelect
Creates a new instance of ColorSelect which has the choices like blue, red, ...
ConfirmClear(WBFrame, WBCanvas). Constructor for class wb.ConfirmClear
Creates a new Modal Confirm Dialog attached to the frame.
ConfirmExit(WBFrame). Constructor for class wb.ConfirmExit
Creates a new Modal Confirm Dialog attached to the frame.
ConfirmHangUp(WBFrame). Constructor for class wb.ConfirmHangUp
Creates a new Modal Confirm Dialog attached to the frame.
Connected(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
Called by ReadClient if the input stream/socket associated with this user/participant are established.
count. Variable in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
The number of bytes in the buffer.
count. Variable in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
The number of bytes in the buffer.


data. Variable in class wb.GraphText
Container for the text represented by this GraphText Object
DelButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.DelButton
Creates an instance of DelButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
DelButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.DelButton
Creates an instance of DelButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
DELETE. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify SELECT/DELETE
DelUser(UserInfo). Method in class wb.Participants
Facility to remove a user from the participants list
destroy(). Method in class wb.Listen
does the clean up before destroy'g the current thread
destroy(). Method in class wb.WriteClient
Destroyer of this thread.
DisConnected(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
Called by ReadClient if the input stream/socket associated with this user/participant is closed.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.DelButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.FreeButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.LineButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.OvalButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.PolyButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.RDRectButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.RectButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.SpokeButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.TextButton
Overides the parents draw method to draw the required in the rectangular region.
draw(Graphics). Method in class wb.WBButton
Only Method that has to be overridden to draw the required on the available canvas.
drawFrame(Graphics, int, int, boolean). Method in class wb.WBButton
Helper Internal Method that takes care of the borders of this button when pressed


erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GCrossMarker
renders the Marker to the graphics (screen/canvas) using background color.
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GFreeHand
Paints the object using the background color to the canvas/screen
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GQuestMarker
renders the "?" marker to the graphics in an XOR mode using the background color thus, erasing.
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphLine
Rendering method that actually erases the line from the canvas/screen Called by the screen update thread.
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphOval
renders the Oval to the graphics using the background color (this) in XOR mode.
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphPolyLine
Paints the object using the background color to the canvas/screen
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphRect
Rendering method that actually erases the Rect from the canvas/screen Called by the screen update thread.
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphRRect
Rendering method that actually erases the R-Rect from the canvas/screen Called by the screen update thread.
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphSpoke
Paints the object using the background color to the canvas/screen
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphText
Actually this is no different from painting, except that it uses the back ground color and paints it in the XOR mode
erase(Graphics, Color). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
helper routine to render the graph unit in the background color to the graphics.
Exit(). Method in class wb.WBFrame
Method Exit to quit the conference and Exit the WhiteBoard/Shared Graphics Editor


fill(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Fills the byte buffer by reading data from the stream.
fill(int). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Fills the byte buffer by reading data from the stream.
fontsize. Variable in class wb.GraphText
A representation of the fonsize relatively.
FontSizeSelect(). Constructor for class wb.FontSizeSelect
Creates a new instance of this class with selectable choices of "Normal", "Big", "Small"
FrameMenu(WBCanvas). Constructor for class wb.FrameMenu
Create a FrameMenu instance
FreeButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.FreeButton
Creates an instance of FreeButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
FreeButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.FreeButton
Creates an instance of FreeButton with its label string used for display on the status bar


GCrossMarker(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GCrossMarker
Creates an instance of a Marker by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GCrossMarker(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GCrossMarker
Creates an Instance of CROSS Marker with its center defined along with its Color and type
get(). Method in class wb.Sync
Gets the Stored Object and which is stored using put would wait until the data is available
getDrawType(). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
returns the current drawing mode of the canvas
getDrawType(). Method in class wb.WBDrawPanel
Wrapper to return the current draw type of Canvas.
gethashkey(). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
gets the hashkey of graphunit
getHost(). Method in class wb.CallDialog
User entered hostname of the party being called
getLabel(). Method in class wb.WBButton
Gets the label of the button.
getMessage(). Method in class wb.Message
Method to extract the message string from the Message Unit
getSocket(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
gets the Socket of the participant.
getStream(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
gets the OutputStream associated with the Socket of the participant
gettype(). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
gets the type of graphunit
getUser(). Method in class wb.CallDialog
User entered username of the party being called
GetUser(String). Method in class wb.Participants
Interface to get a reference to the UserInfo with the specified key (username+hostname)
GetUsers(boolean). Method in class wb.Participants
An interface to get all the users sequentially.
GFreeHand(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GFreeHand
Creates an instance of the GFreeHand by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GFreeHand(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GFreeHand
Creates an Instance of FreeHand Line with its first point set along with the Color and type
GQuestMarker(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GQuestMarker
Creates an instance of a "?" Marker by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GQuestMarker(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GQuestMarker
Creates an Instance of "?" Marker with its center the bottom of the round portion along with its Color and type NOTE: Found some difference in the shape on win95/NT.
GraphLine(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphLine
Creates an instance of GraphLine from an Input Data Stream attached the network socket.
GraphLine(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphLine
Creates an instance of GraphLine with its type set to LINES and the starting co-ordinates are set.
GraphLine(int, int, int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphLine
Creates an instance of GraphLine with its type set to LINES and this constructor is defines the line completely
GraphMarker(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphMarker
Creates an instance of a Marker by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GraphMarker(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphMarker
Creates an Instance of Marker with its center defined along with its Color and type
GraphOval(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphOval
Creates an instance of the GraphOval by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GraphOval(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphOval
Creates an Instance of Partial Oval with its starting point the top left set along with the Color and type
GraphOval(int, int, int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphOval
Creates a Oval that is complete in all aspects of its definition although the enclosing rectangle arguments are start and end points of the user interaction, it appropriately identifies the left top and width and height
GraphPolyLine(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphPolyLine
Creates an instance of the GraphPolyLine by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GraphPolyLine(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphPolyLine
Creates an Instance of Polyline with its first point set along with the Color and type
GraphRect(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphRect
Creates an instance of the GraphRect by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GraphRect(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphRect
Creates an Instance of Partial rectangle with its starting point the top left set along with the Color and type
GraphRect(int, int, int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphRect
Creates a Rectangle that is complete in all aspects of its definition although the rectangle arguments are start and end points of the user interaction, it appropriately identifies the left top and width and height
GraphRRect(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphRRect
Creates an instance of the GraphRRect by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GraphRRect(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphRRect
Creates an Instance of Partial round rectangle with its top left set along with the Color and type
GraphRRect(int, int, int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphRRect
Creates a R-Rectangle that is complete in all aspects of its definition although the rectangle arguments are start and end points of the user interaction, it appropriately identifies the left top and width and height.
GraphSpoke(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphSpoke
Creates an instance of the GraphSpoke by reading the data from the Input Stream.
GraphSpoke(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphSpoke
Creates an Instance of Spokes with its first point set along with the Color and type
GraphText(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphText
Creates an instance by reading data from the Stream.
GraphText(int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphText
Creates a instance with the fontsize defaulted to NORMAL
GraphText(int, int, Color, String). Constructor for class wb.GraphText
Creates a instance
GraphText(int, int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphText
Creates a instance
GraphText(int, int, int, Color, String). Constructor for class wb.GraphText
Creates a instance
GraphUnit(Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphUnit
Creates an instance of GraphUnit with Color "arg"
GraphUnit(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.GraphUnit
Creates an instance of GraphUnit by reading data from the DataInputStream.
GraphUnit(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class wb.GraphUnit
Creates an instance of GraphUnit with Color "arg"
GraphUnit(int, int, int, int, Color). Constructor for class wb.GraphUnit
Creates an instance of GraphUnit with Color "arg"


handleEvent(Event). Method in class wb.WBButton
Handles the event.
handleEvent(Event). Method in class wb.WBFrame
Handles the event.
HangUp(). Method in class wb.WBFrame
Method HangUp to quit the conference
hashkey. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
HashCode of this unit this is assigned at the time of creation using the hashCode() of Object.
hostname. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
Holds the hostname


in. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
Data In Stream associated with the User for reception
inlink. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
Socket to associated with the User for reception
inside(int, int). Method in class wb.WBButton
Internal method that tells the state of coordinates.
inside(int, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Needed to fix a bug in Java
inside(int, int). Method in class wb.WBDrawPanel
Needed to fix a bug in Java
inside(int, int). Method in class wb.WBStatePanel
Needed to fix a bug in Java
instream. Variable in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
The real stream from which the byte array will be filled with data
isAlive(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
Method to test if the user info about this participant is complete
IsConnected(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
Used to verify if approached from the opposite side.
isEmpty(). Method in class wb.Participants
Returns a boolean to indicate that the participants list is empty
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GFreeHand
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphLine
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphOval
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphPolyLine
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphRect
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphRRect
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphSpoke
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphText
method to verify if the passed point is enclosed in the handles of this Object.
isInside(int, int). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Method to check if the current object handles enclose the passed point
isSelect(). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Method to check the select status
isValid(). Method in class wb.GFreeHand
Provides a method to verify if the current object is valid either for transportation or rendering
isValid(). Method in class wb.GraphPolyLine
Provides a method to verify if the current object is valid either for transportation or rendering
isValid(). Method in class wb.GraphText
isValid is very useful in determine'g miscellaneous objects at the time of creation.
isValid(). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
isValid is very useful in determine'g miscellaneous objects at the time of creation.
IsValid(). Method in class wb.Message
Useful to find out if there is any string data in the message


join(). Method in class wb.KillLocalServer
provided to support the interface.
join(). Method in class wb.Listen
provided to support the thread interface.
join(). Method in class wb.ReadClient
Joins this thread.
join(). Method in class wb.UserInfoSet
join method Not used explicitly.
join(). Method in class wb.WriteClient
Interface support to join with other threads.


keyDown(Event, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for keyDown events.
keyUp(Event, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for keyUp events.
KillLocalServer(). Constructor for class wb.KillLocalServer
Creates an Instance of this server.


lhostname. Variable in class wb.Participants
String to hold the local host name
LineButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.LineButton
Creates an instance of LineButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
LineButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.LineButton
Creates an instance of LineButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
LINES. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Lines
Listen(WBCanvas, Participants). Constructor for class wb.Listen
Creates an instance of the server thread at the default port (WBPORT) tries to create a server socket.
Listen(WBCanvas, Participants, int). Constructor for class wb.Listen
Creates an instance of the server thread at the specifed port
LoadCanvas(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Method that reads GraphUnits from a file.
lusername. Variable in class wb.Participants
String to hold the local user name


main(String[]). Static method in class wb.CallDialog
For Testing Purposes
MARKERS. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Markers Generic/base to CROSS case.
MAX. Variable in class wb.GraphPolyLine
MESSAGE. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Messages base value
message. Variable in class wb.Message
String indicating the message if any
Message(DataInputStream). Constructor for class wb.Message
Creates an instance of message from the input steam.
Message(int). Constructor for class wb.Message
Creates an instance of message with the default string of ``message''
Message(String). Constructor for class wb.Message
Creates an instance of message with the specified string
Message(String, int). Constructor for class wb.Message
Creates an instance of message with the specified id and message.
MessageException(). Constructor for class wb.MessageException
Constructs an MessageException with no detail message.
MessageException(String). Constructor for class wb.MessageException
Constructs an IOException with the specified detail message.
minimunSize(). Method in class wb.WBButton
Returns the minimum size of this component.
MONITOR. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to Monitor the connection status
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBButton
Called if the mouse is down.
mouseDown(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for mouseDown events.
mouseDrag(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for mouseDrag events.
mouseEnter(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBButton
Called when the mouse enters the component.
mouseEnter(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for mouseEnter events.
mouseEnter(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBDrawPanel
Handles the mouse entering in the this panel.
mouseEnter(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBStatePanel
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBButton
Called if the mouse exits this component
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for mouseExit events.
mouseExit(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBDrawPanel
mouseMove(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for mouseMove events.
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBButton
Called when the mouse button is Up (released)
mouseUp(Event, int, int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for mouseUp events.
Mute(). Method in class wb.Participants
Sets the mute flag, thus this user will only receive and nothing is transmitted to other participants


NewColor(Color). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
NewColor changes the state of current color
NewFont(int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
NewFontSize changes the size of the Text size
NORMAL. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Fontsize of Text


OALTER. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Alteration of GraphUnit
OCLEAR. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Clearing of Canvas
ODELETE. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Deletion of GraphUnit
OMESSAGE. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Object Messages
out. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
Data Out Stream associated with the User for X'mission
outlink. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
Socket to associated with the User for transmission
outstream. Variable in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
The real stream onto which the byte array will be written
OvalButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.OvalButton
Creates an instance of OvalButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
OvalButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.OvalButton
Creates an instance of OvalButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
OVALS. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify ovals


packetize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GFreeHand
method for Object transport.
packetize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GraphMarker
packs the representation details and sync's to the stream.
packetize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GraphPolyLine
method for Object transport.
packetize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GraphText
Packetizes all the information required to create an instance of this and writes it to the stream calls basepacketize to packetize the base class variables and the packs variables of this and then sync's the data to the stream.
packetize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
method for Object transport.
packetize(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.Message
Uses the basepacketize helper method and then packs the remain'g data and then sync's data to the Stream.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.AboutDialog
Handler for paint requests.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GCrossMarker
renders the Marker to the graphics (screen/canvas).
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GFreeHand
Does the real work of painting the object to the canvas/screen
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GQuestMarker
renders the "?" marker to the graphics.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphLine
Rendering method that actually draws the line to the canvas/screen Called by the screen update thread.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphOval
renders the Oval to the graphics using the current color (this)
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphPolyLine
Does the real work of painting the object to the canvas/screen
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphRect
Rendering method that actually draws the rectangle to the canvas/screen Called by the screen update thread.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphRRect
Rendering method that actually draws the RRectangle to the canvas/screen Called by the screen update thread.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphSpoke
Does the real work of painting the object to the canvas/screen
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphText
the Heart of rendering.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
helper routine to render the graph unit to the graphics.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.WBButton
Paints the component.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for paint requests.
paint(Graphics). Method in class wb.WBDrawPanel
paramString(). Method in class wb.WBButton
Helper method to return the string representation of this
Participants(String, String). Constructor for class wb.Participants
Creates an instance of the Participants with the specified local username and local hostname
ParticipantsReady(). Method in class wb.Participants
Interface to check if all the users are connected.
POINTS. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Points Just to indicate the mode
PolyButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.PolyButton
Creates an instance of PolyButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
PolyButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.PolyButton
Creates an instance of PolyButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
POLYS. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify PolyLines
preferredSize(). Method in class wb.WBButton
Returns the preferred size of this component.
print(). Method in class wb.Message
Helper routine for testing purposes.
Print(). Method in class wb.Participants
Helper routine to print the participants
put(Object). Method in class wb.Sync
Store the Object and can be retrieved using get


QUESTION. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Marker of shape "?"
QUIT. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify exit of Participant


RDRectButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.RDRectButton
Creates an instance of RDRectButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
RDRectButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.RDRectButton
Creates an instance of RDRectButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
RDRECTS. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Round Rectangle
readBoolean(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Read a boolean.
readByte(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads an 8 bit byte.
readChar(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads a 16 bit char.
readChars(String). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads a String
ReadClient(Socket, WBCanvas). Constructor for class wb.ReadClient
Creates a ReadClient instance.
ReadClient(Socket, WBCanvas, Participants). Constructor for class wb.ReadClient
Creates a ReadClient instance.
readDouble(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads a 64 bit double.
readFloat(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads a 32 bit float.
readInt(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads a 32 bit int.
readLong(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads a 64 bit long.
readShort(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Reads a 16 bit short.
RECEIVEONLY. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify the mode of the participant
RectButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.RectButton
Creates an instance of RectButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
RectButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.RectButton
Creates an instance of RectButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
RECTS. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Rectangle
Refresh(). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Refresh As the name implies it refreshes the screen.
RemoveAll(). Method in class wb.Participants
Facility to make the participants list null.
ResetCalling(). Method in class wb.FrameMenu
Disables the Call Participant
ResetSelect(). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Method to Reset the graphunit in select mode
run(). Method in class wb.KillLocalServer
Creates a socket and make a connection to the local server.
run(). Method in class wb.Listen
Infinitely waits on the accept call of the server socket and spawns a new thread to handle the connection.
run(). Method in class wb.ReadClient
Runs this thread.
run(). Method in class wb.UserInfoSet
Performed when the current thread is active
run(). Method in class wb.WriteClient
Does the work of picking items from the Sync "sendthese", one at a time go thru' the list of valid participants, pick the appropriate stream, send the item type and then call the packetize of the GraphUnit.


SaveCanvas(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Method that saves the GraphUnits to a file.
select. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
boolean to indicate that the object is in select mode this data is not transported.
setAlive(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
Set if the Output Streams/Sockets of this participant is complete Called by UserInfoSet
SetCalling(). Method in class wb.FrameMenu
Enables the Call Participant (by default it is enabled)
setcolor(Color). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
set the color of this graphunit
setDrawType(int). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
setDrawType set the current mode of the canvas
setDrawType(int). Method in class wb.WBDrawPanel
Wrapper to set the current draw type of Canvas.
sethashkey(int). Method in class wb.Message
Method to set the hashcode designed for messages like ODELETE
setInSocket(Socket). Method in class wb.UserInfo
sets the Socket of the participant responsible for reading data Set by ReadClient
setInStream(DataInputStream). Method in class wb.UserInfo
sets the InputStream associated with the Socket of the participant Set by ReadClient
setPanel(WBDrawPanel). Method in class wb.WBButton
Helper Method to set the Panel that holds this Button
setParticipants(Participants). Method in class wb.ReadClient
sets the Participants reference.
setSelect(). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Method to set the graphunit in select mode
setSocket(Socket). Method in class wb.UserInfo
sets the Socket of the participant.
setStream(DataOutputStream). Method in class wb.UserInfo
sets the DataOutputStream associated with the Socket of the participant set by UserInfoSet
settype(int). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Sets the type of graphunit
setType(int). Method in class wb.WBButton
Helper Method to set the type of this button
setup(int, int, int, int). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Helper routine for base setup
setup(int, int, int, int, Color). Method in class wb.GraphUnit
Helper routine for base setup
setUserId(int). Method in class wb.UserInfo
Set Userid of the User.
SetUsers(). Method in class wb.Participants
SetUsers (was planning for something
setWriter(WriteClient). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Set the Writer for this Canvas
show(). Method in class wb.ConfirmExit
Shows this dialog by disabling its parent (work around of Win95 port)
showStatus(String). Method in class wb.WBDrawPanel
showText(boolean). Method in class wb.WBButton
Helper Method to alter the state of the label display on the button
size(). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Returns the current size of the local buffer which would be written when sync'd
size(). Method in class wb.ByteUnPackInputStream
Returns the current size of the unread local buffer read from the stream when fill'd
size(). Method in class wb.Participants
Returns the size of the conference.
SMALL. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Fontsize of Text
SpokeButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.SpokeButton
Creates an instance of SpokeButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
SpokeButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.SpokeButton
Creates an instance of SpokeButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
SPOKES. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Spokes
START. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Start of session
start(). Method in class wb.KillLocalServer
Starts the thread by creating a thread at normal priority
start(). Method in class wb.Listen
Creates a Thread with max priority.
start(). Method in class wb.ReadClient
Starts this thread.
start(). Method in class wb.UserInfoSet
Starts the current thread at NORMAL priority
start(). Method in class wb.WriteClient
Start the current thread.
STOP. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify End of session
stop(). Method in class wb.KillLocalServer
Stops the current thread
stop(). Method in class wb.Listen
Stops the current thread and cleans up the sockets
stop(). Method in class wb.ReadClient
Stops this thread.
stop(). Method in class wb.UserInfoSet
Stops the current thread
stop(). Method in class wb.WriteClient
Start the current thread.
sync(). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a byte buffer to the stream that was specified during instantiation.
Sync(). Constructor for class wb.Sync
Creates a new Sync Class
sync(OutputStream). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a byte buffer to the specified stream.


TextButton(String, WBDrawPanel). Constructor for class wb.TextButton
Creates an instance of TextButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
TextButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.TextButton
Creates an instance of TextButton with its label string used for display on the status bar
TEXTS. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify String of characters
toString(). Method in class wb.UserInfo
returns the string containing info about the class
type. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
Type of the GraphUnit


update(Graphics). Method in class wb.WBButton
Updates the component.
update(Graphics). Method in class wb.WBCanvas
Handler for update requests.
userid. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
Holds the userid (not used for now)
USERINFO. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Start of session
UserInfo(int, String, String, String, String). Constructor for class wb.UserInfo
Create a UserInfo instance.
UserInfo(String, String, String, String). Constructor for class wb.UserInfo
Create a UserInfo instance.
UserInfo(String, String, String, String, int). Constructor for class wb.UserInfo
Create a UserInfo instance.
UserInfoSet(int, UserInfo, String, String). Constructor for class wb.UserInfoSet
Creates an instance default START mode
UserInfoSet(int, UserInfo, String, String, int). Constructor for class wb.UserInfoSet
Creates an instance
UserInfoSet(UserInfo, String, String). Constructor for class wb.UserInfoSet
Creates an instance defaults to START mode, server port WBPORT (=9060) needs explicit start to start the thread
UserInfoSet(UserInfo, String, String, int). Constructor for class wb.UserInfoSet
Creates an instance default server port WBPORT (=9060)
username. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
Holds the username
userset. Variable in class wb.UserInfo
UserInfoSet class that launches the setting up of the socket/streams


WBButton(). Constructor for class wb.WBButton
Creates an instance of this.
WBButton(String, boolean). Constructor for class wb.WBButton
Creates an instance of this.
WBButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean). Constructor for class wb.WBButton
Creates an instance of this.
WBButton(String, WBDrawPanel, boolean, int). Constructor for class wb.WBButton
Creates an instance of this.
WBCanvas(Frame). Constructor for class wb.WBCanvas
Creates a new Canvas.
WBCanvas(Frame, WriteClient). Constructor for class wb.WBCanvas
Creates a new Canvas that is ready for conference.
WBFileFilter(). Constructor for class wb.WBFileFilter
WBFrame(). Constructor for class wb.WBFrame
Default Constructor Invokes to a single user Graphics Editor that can be dynamically changed to multi-user.
WBFrame(String[], int). Constructor for class wb.WBFrame
Constructor which takes in an array of string and the number of users.
WBJOIN. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify Start of session of a participant who joined when the conference is in progress as initiated by the local local user using Call Dialog
WBPORT. Static variable in interface wb.GTypes
Constant to identify the default port number of the White Board
WBStatePanel(WBFrame, WBCanvas). Constructor for class wb.WBStatePanel
writeBoolean(boolean). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a boolean.
writeByte(int). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes an 8 bit byte.
writeBytes(String). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a String as a sequence of bytes.
writeChar(int). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a 16 bit char.
writeChars(String). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a String as a sequence of chars.
WriteClient(Participants). Constructor for class wb.WriteClient
Creates a instance of the writer.
writeDouble(double). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a 64 bit double.
writeFloat(float). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a 32 bit float.
writeInt(int). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a 32 bit int.
writeLong(long). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a 64 bit long.
writeShort(int). Method in class wb.BytePackOutputStream
Writes a 16 bit short.


xmax. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
bounds of the GraphUnit.
xmin. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
bounds of the GraphUnit.
xpoints. Variable in class wb.GFreeHand
Array of integer to hold the x-coordinates of the remaining points
xpoints. Variable in class wb.GraphPolyLine
Array of integer to hold the x-coordinates of the remaining points


ymax. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
bounds of the GraphUnit.
ymin. Variable in class wb.GraphUnit
bounds of the GraphUnit.
ypoints. Variable in class wb.GFreeHand
Array of integer to hold the y-coordinates of the remaining points
ypoints. Variable in class wb.GraphPolyLine
Array of integer to hold the y-coordinates of the remaining points