----------------------------------- Instructions to use vm-easy-creator ----------------------------------- Vm-easy-creator provides an interface to easily create a VM XML configuration file for a Palacios VM. This interface only allows the user to add virtual devices that are present in Palacios's device table and thus will not cause an error when the VMs are launched. Prerequisites for vm-easy-creator: 1. The Palacios VMM Linux kernel module is already built. 2. Perl-TK if using the GUI version Steps to use vm-easy-creator CLI: --------------------------------- 1. Issue the command: $ vm-building-tool.pl -c \ -o (e.g, vm-building-tool.pl -c /usr/src/palacios/.config -o MyVM.xml) 2. Answer any questions that are presented. These will directly map into the XML configuration file. The defaults that are presented can be used to recreate the default configuration file located in palacios/utils/guest-builder/default.xml 3. After the script is finished, it should be viewed to make sure the information is correct. 4. Launch the VM in Palacios. Steps to use vm-easy-creator GUI: --------------------------------- 1. Issue the command: $ vm-building-tool.pl -c \ -o \ -tk (e.g, vm-building-tool.pl -c /usr/src/palacios/.config -o MyVM.xml -tk) 2. Fill out the GUI with the appropriate information. At this time, the GUI does not allow for the usage of Generics. This can be added later. 3. Click the generate XML button to produce the output file. 4. View the output file and verify the quality of the file. Add any generics that are needed in the system. # $Id: instructions-vm-easy-creator.txt 55 2012-03-10 00:21:51Z tjn $